Wow. I am really sick. I have a really bad cold. My mom says it is probably a sinus infection. I hate it. My nose is all red from blowing my nose and rubbing my nose. It's awful! I've been sick since Friday. I'm really tired of it. So now all I have to do is wait and put up with it until it goes away. That's going to be hard!
I really feel for you Kate. I have had this awful cold for over 2 weeks. It is somewhat better now but still hangs in my nose and cough so I know how you feel.I hope you get better soon. Gma B
katie-mac...one way to get better faster is to make sure you drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water...till you can't stand it anymore! also, have your mommy get a humidifier for your bedroom...it's dry in there and that doesn't help with the stuffy nose...another good trick is to put vicks vapor rub on your feet and then wear socks ! that's what Doc tells her patients to do! it also helps to sleep with your bed a tad elevated up near the head part for your drainage...if I were there I'd give you some compressed oregano tablets and it'd be gone in a heartbeat...for sure! at least i'd play cards with you to keep you cheery and occupied...lol
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