Monday, July 06, 2009

4th of July!


Ria said...

great pics kate! you must have taken a photography class or something!

Katelyn said...

i know! im amazing!

TBRKO said...

Another beautiful job by Miss Katelyn! I sure hope I have you as a student this fall....:)

Katelyn said...

I KNOW!!!!!!!! when do we find out our schedule??

TBRKO said...

Okay I just wrote a huge thing, and it didn't save...grrr. I will write more later.

Anonymous said...

Katelyn.........great job in pictures and doing the video recording a fun 4th for the Czi family and friends!
Grandma LaVerne

TBRKO said...

Katelyn: I have you as of now. Don't get too excited. I have never taught this stuff before and so it will

Katelyn said...

really?? so your one of my teachers?? what floor are you on????