Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
More Christmas!!!!
There are a few things I left out on my Christmas......
For those of you who don't know, I am in the school play which is Annie! So I would really like the movie and soundtrack for Christmas! And make sure it's the 1982 version.
Again I REALLY want an ihome! It's kind of a speaker for your ipod!
And I want TONS of clothes! Especially from HOLLISTER and AMERICAN EAGLE.
Now, my mom doesn't really want me to get these. But moccasins are "in" at my school. And I would really like a pair! (:
Ummm.... I think that's it! OH! I really would like some gift cards or money too! I'm kind of..........
BROKE!!!! ):
For those of you who don't know, I am in the school play which is Annie! So I would really like the movie and soundtrack for Christmas! And make sure it's the 1982 version.
Again I REALLY want an ihome! It's kind of a speaker for your ipod!
And I want TONS of clothes! Especially from HOLLISTER and AMERICAN EAGLE.
Now, my mom doesn't really want me to get these. But moccasins are "in" at my school. And I would really like a pair! (:
Ummm.... I think that's it! OH! I really would like some gift cards or money too! I'm kind of..........
BROKE!!!! ):
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This Thanksgiving was great! We had our cousins come over and our grandparents and their dogs! Which was interesting. Bailey wanted nothing to do with them and Emme and Hazel fought and played and wrestled the whole time! But it was fun. So today I get to go see the BLENDERS!!! And tomorrow all the girls are going to clay your way!!! So I'm super excited about that! So I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Dear Mom...
Here is something that I want from my mom for Christmas. I've already talked to her about it. What I want is UNLIMITED TEXTING!!! I only have 250 a month and that isn't working out for me. Unlimited texting would be soooo much better. I am a teenager, I should be aloud to text... A LOT!!!!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
My Christmas List!!!!!!
Here is what I want for Christmas this year...
-Clothes from Hollister, American Eagle, and Abercrombie and Fitch-mostly sweatshirts and tee shirts.
-And a really cute tote kind of bag from Hollister!
- I also want a LOT of SPUD clothes, like sweatpants, tee shirts, long sleeve shirts, or sweatshirts.
- Jon & Kate + 8 Seasons 1 and 2 DVD's
- The High School Musical 3 CD
- A new robe- ask my mom what kind, because there is a specific kind that I want.
- The game catch phrase
- Webkinz- the cow or the chocolate lab, or any other ones you think are cute!
Those are just the main things that I want!!!
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween everyone!!! I had a lot of fun being a punk rocker!!! I went trick-or-treating with 3 of my friends. There is Molly, who is Pebbles. Alleise, who is a school girl. Then there is me and Hailey who are Punk Rockers!!! I had these really awesome total punk rockerish tights on, but they got cut off in both pictures!! But oh well! It actually wasn't very cold out! So it was a blast!!! So what were you guys for Halloween???
Monday, October 27, 2008
HSM 3!

The new High School Musical just came out this weekend. I haven't seen it yet, but a bunch of my friends have and so has my Mom and Kennedy. All my friends said it was AMAZING and the best out of all 3! But my mom said it was a big cheese fest, typical mom! But she liked the end. I'm really excited to see it! Anyone who has seen it, tell me what you thought of it!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A New Member
We added a new member to our family this weekend! Her name is... well right now she doesn't have a name. But when she does, I will let you know! She is my Grandma Sandi's puppy. Friday night we went to the mall. And our last stop was the pet store. My mom was in GAP and she told us to head down to the pet store. So we went and I saw a lady holding a little white, fluffy puppy the size of your hand. And I really wanted to hold it. So I looked at the other puppies and then the white puppy was back in its cage, so when my mom showed up, it was about 8:56, and the mall closed at 9. Anyway I showed her the dog and she thought it was really cute too! So I was like, "Mom, can we please hold it"? And she was like "No, we are not holding it this time!" So we were leaving and my mom asked the lady how big the dogs would get. So they were talking and the lady asked if we wanted to hold her so we did, and then we had to go. Me and Kennedy started balling. For some reason, we thought we were going to get her. On our way home my mom said to call grandma and tell her that if she will take care of her, we will buy it for her. So I called her and she said she will have to talk to Richard. So the next morning I called her and she said she was on her way to see her. So I told her to call me when she saw her. So I called her and asked if she saw her and she said that the puppy was gone but they had her sister. So she got her. And then she brought her over to my house and we got to play with her. She is way smaller than she seems. And she still doesn't have a name! But that was grandma's birthday present from us! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!!

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Kid's Day
My Grandma's Chiropractic Clinic had a Kid's Day Festival on Saturday morning. So my grandma asked me and friend to dress up as clown's and hand out balloons to kids. We also helped kids put tattoos on, and we helped kids on the blow up obstacle course. It was really fun, but a little chilly. Ronald McDonald and Hawkye also showed up there. So here is me in my clown costume with Mr. Ronald McDonald. And I thought it was so cool that he was the one in all of the McDonald's Commercials! And I got a picture with him! But, thanks Grandma Sandi for letting me do that and buying the costumes and everything! It was a lot of fun!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008
2 More Days
There is only 2 more days until school starts. Personally I'm excited for school to start. I always am. But I'll miss summer, and not having to do anything. This year I'm in pod A. I guess that's o.k. But I would have been o.k with any pod. But I have a bunch of my friends in my pod! So that good! And we only get 1 trimester of gym this year, which stinks. But, I get the best gym teacher! Mr. Peterson. He's really nice and fun! I'm hoping this year will be good because this is my last year at the middle school. Next year I'm at the HIGH SCHOOL!!!
Well, have a great rest of the summer everyone!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Well yesterday I sorta taught Kennedy how to ride her bike! My dad started to teach her last summer and she hasn't rode her bike since. She said she hated it and still does. My mom had to drop something off at a friend of ours that lives by our house and said we could come. I was on the computer and didn't know they left. My mom and dad took the car (I thought they took Kennedy with them). And Carter and Cooper walked Emme. So I went downstairs expecting to leave, and they we all gone. So I jumped on my bike and rode over there. When I got there my dad told me that Kennedy was in her room. So he made me go back to our house and get her. When I got there I knew she would want to go there. So I said your going to ride your bike over there with me. She did NOT want to at all. But I put a helmet and elbow and knee pads on her and we practiced. We first started on the grass, then the road. So she went on the road and ran into the curb. So we had to practice steering. But then she got it. Then we started to head over there. I ended up walking (I actually ran) because she couldn't start off on her own. But anyway she was really good and rode all the way over there. She just doesn't really know how to stop. But never fell! She did great but says she still hates it. Typical Kennedy!
Happy Birthday Kennedy!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Happy 4th!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Couch Hog
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Check It Out!
Check out my friend Taylor O'Connell's blog! Her name is at the bottom at the link list. It says Tay-Tay, that's my nickname for her. Any way, check it out!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
One More Week!!!!!

Only one more week until summer! On Wednesday, the students that got 3.75 of a GPA for trimester 1 and 2 get to go to ValleyFair on the last day of school. And I get to go! I'm soooo excited! I can't wait to go on my favorite ride, the WILD THING! But did anyone else hear about the girl last week that got her feet cut of on the power tower?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I'm sorry if you here both songs to the slide shows. If you just want to here one of them, just click on the sound button of the song and it will mute that song. Hope that wasn't too confusing!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
8 More Days!
I can't believe it! There's only 8 more days until my birthday! So I thought I would give you guys a list of what I want, just in case you wanted to know.
1. Cell Phone-Duh!
2. ipod nano
3. Clothes from American Eagle and Hollister- sweatshirts mostly (they are at the mall fyi)
4. One of those blankets where you get two fabrics and then you cut slots in the sides then tie them together, I really want one of those!
5. Webkinz- I want the kangaroo and the chocolate lab and the cocker spaniel, if you can't find any of those, just get me one that you think I would like! But I already have the pig and the golden retriever.
1. Cell Phone-Duh!
2. ipod nano
3. Clothes from American Eagle and Hollister- sweatshirts mostly (they are at the mall fyi)
4. One of those blankets where you get two fabrics and then you cut slots in the sides then tie them together, I really want one of those!
5. Webkinz- I want the kangaroo and the chocolate lab and the cocker spaniel, if you can't find any of those, just get me one that you think I would like! But I already have the pig and the golden retriever.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Almost Time!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Since Thursday, I have been taking care of the O'Connell's dog, Alex. I was so excited. I love Alex. She is a Lab. The first night we could not get her to go to the bathroom. But it was good after that. On Sunday, the last day, my mom decided to bring Alex to our house. And my dad just loved that! And so I played with her all day! I even cried when she left! I miss her already. Hopefully I can take care of her again. They live in Moorhead so I'll see her all the time. But it's nice taking her for walks every day! I really need my own dog!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sick Days

Monday, March 24, 2008
My First Babysitting Job
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ice Show
Wow the ice show was absolutely awesome! It went by sooooo fast. I was in advanced this year which made it even more fun. I got a locker room, free food, parties and more. I was a High School Musical Music Store! I loved it! It was great. I'm very sad it's done and are going to miss all of the seniors. I'm very excited for next year!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
My Fav Shows
O.K, I have two new favorite shows now. They are Lost and American Idol. So one of my favorites on American Idol went home on the last episode. Her name was Joanna. She was a plus size model and had a good reason to be there. But now I guess I like that Kady girl now. My favorite guy on American Idol is Checkezie (if that's how you would spell his name). I guess he is just cool and a good singer. Who is your favorite person on American Idol?
For Lost, I guess I am just getting really addicted and getting in to it. I record all of them. The last episode was all about Kate. When she was on the island and after she got of the island (I think, that episode was really confusing). Anyway it is really really good. My mom said it is supposed to go until 2010! I'm really excited!
For Lost, I guess I am just getting really addicted and getting in to it. I record all of them. The last episode was all about Kate. When she was on the island and after she got of the island (I think, that episode was really confusing). Anyway it is really really good. My mom said it is supposed to go until 2010! I'm really excited!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Got It!
YES!!!! I finally got it, I got Highschool Musical Sing It! I have been waiting to return a differfent version from my Grandpa Dan and finally got out to Toys R Us. I've been playing it all day! Thanks Grandpa!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Can't Wait!

I absolutly can't wait until Disney on Ice! Last year Kennedy and I went to Grandma Sandi's while my parents and brothers were at state hockey. And we met Delaney, Jillian, and Ann at Disney on Ice. The theme was Disney Princesses. Which was perfect for 6 girls. It was sooooo fun! I can't wait until this year, the theme is finding nemo!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Ice Show
Well I know what I am in the ice show. I am a music store. I guess there is a couple of music stores, so I am High School Musical 2. I am with one of my best friends, Taylor O'Connell. And I only have 5 people in my group. That's cool to me because I usually have like 10 or 12. That's a lot compared to 5. Anyway I'm really excited! Hope I see you there.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Cell Phone

The next thing I'm into now is a CELL PHONE. I know I won't be getting one for a long time. But last night at the Spud Hockey game my mom and I were having a talk about me getting a cell phone. I said that this year I am turning 13, which means I 'm going to be a teenager. I know, wow. Anyway since I'm going to be a teenager, I said I thought that I should get a cell phone. Oh well, that's just my opinion. Hopefully I'm right! By the way, I want the one on the left. It's my dad's phone. I guess I just like it.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yes! Finally our computer is fixed and I can go on it. It's been about 2 weeks. I don't really know what was wrong. These boxes would keep popping up and it would freeze. Oh well, it's fixed now. Hopefully it won't break down anymore.
Monday, January 14, 2008
No More Hannah Montana
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Last Day
Wow, the break has gone by really fast! I'm not ready to go back to school yet. I think one more week of break would be great! But it has been very fun. This was one of my favorite Christmas's ever. Because we were in our new house and I got great presents! Anyway, happy new year! I hope you enjoyed the break as much as I did.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
High School Musical Sing It
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